The Eye On Risk Way
When it comes to unsafe behavior, we strive to understand the true causes of erroneous acts. Rather than focusing on where and how things went wrong from a broader perspective, we concentrate on what made sense to the individual to act the way they acted, leading to the error. The EOR process entails exploring all the potentials, influential factors, and aspects affecting human behavior, consequently allowing for a better understanding of the revealed limitations, vulnerabilities, and weaknesses.
EOR is not a standard Safety workshop aimed at ticking the box. It is a serious experience.
Quality Training Like No Other
Human error is the tip of an iceberg, a symptom of a much bigger underlying problem. Yes, you’ve read it right: human error is a symptom, not a root cause, as most incident investigator(s) tend to disseminate. An error is a consequence of an action, and when people act, almost always, they either rely on something that made sense to them at the time of their action(s), or they act while influenced by several factors outside the act itself. Therefore, knowing what lies beneath the surface helps raise awareness, rationalize decision-making, and ultimately reduce accidents.
Eye On Risk explores this critical subject by diving into the unfathomable to find the imperceptible.
Know Your Risk Profile
Are you more likely to avoid roller coasters or ride the most thrilling ones in a theme park? When you are about to make a critical decision, do you usually hesitate a great deal, try to postpone your decision, or decide impulsively? We determine a person’s risk profile by answering these questions and others like them.
Know Your Risk Quadrant
Everyone has different needs in life. These needs vary on a scale between peace, stability, and safety on the one hand, and adventures, new challenges, thrills, conquering fear, or even taking a leap of faith, on the other. Moreover, these needs, coupled with many other underlying influences, determine to a large extent the individual’s behavior under different circumstances and, consequently, reveal what makes sense to them at the time of their decision. The specific manifestation of these subliminal desires highly depends on the circumstances and the context that the people of different personality types experience.
Core Training Topic
The EOR workshop is highly interactive, enjoyable, deeply powerful, well-paced, and pleasingly diverse in training materials. The covered topics are explored and explained in detail with real-time examples and innovative group and individual exercises. The facilitators present the content in a structured, clear, and engaging way leading to noticeable and immediate results..